The problem is that early learning STEM education for girls are at a educational disadvantage because of the lack of quality early childhood STEM education opportunities According to the Obama administration, “Sadly, millions of children in this country are cut off from quality early learning” (National Research Council (2012) Report, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press)

HUGs 4 GIRLS N STEA+M (science, technology, engineering, arts+ math) dba GOSTEAM4GIRLS is positioned to be a “CATALYST OF CHANGE” for education for  STEA+M skills to underrepresented young learners, Pre-K-12 and continuing to grades 4th-6th.  Young children are avid STEM investigators, eager to explore and invent. Spend five minutes with a 3 to 8-year-old and you will field an astounding array of questions, as their own natural curiosity leads them towards STEM inquiry. Young children are also the earliest adopters of technology, grabbing for cameras, smart phones, and other tools as soon as they are able.

Compliance with California Department of Education, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) framework for K–12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council, science standards.

Classroom STE+AM Series: The STEA+M series integrates perform ARTs with STEM  activities are part of the daily classroom curriculum . The students conduct STEM  project which aspires and engages students in a community-based entrepreneurial community project.